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When I'm aligned, I follow my heart, my intuition is dialled in and it doesn’t lead me astray.


Meet Emmy 

Writer, Storyteller, Teacher, Momma

I’m a creator, a writer, a holistic goddess and a lover of making everything beautiful. Welcome to my wildly gorgeous life! 


I married my high school sweetheart, and together we raise up three fierce and kind hearted-girls. I'm a multidimensional business owner, I share the tools that I love. I'm learning to embrace the tension of holding opposites; I'm a world traveller and a homebody. I love luxury and simplicity. I like full productive days and slow easiness. 

We've been a fairly nomadic family for the past three years but we're starting to feel the pull to put down roots. Where will we find our dream waterfront wilderness homestead? Come along on the journey and see! 


Creating everyday is a tenet of life I can't ignore. When I'm creating I'm in the micro; I'm experiencing the present moment. Photography, painting, house-flipping, goldsmithing, ceramics, cooking and writing -- I was brought here to share something beautiful. I want to get intimate with life and I encourage you to do that too.


   Emmy xo


As a teacher

I'm a peace-maker at heart and for the longest time I mistook this gift as a downfall. I've felt adrift, like I didn't fit in, like I was always in the grey space. And then I realized  that my magic is being able to see both sides of any situation. To belong anywhere.


I'm a natural mediator. 


As an objective outsider I can look at the pages of your story and give you a new lens to see it through. And I'm here to remind you most that you are a powerful creator!


We might live in a world that tries to dim our light, withhold our power, downplay our inherent high vibration. Here’s the great news: you can change that frequency by changing your story.


It's simple, we start with just one thing, one area you’re ready to see differently.  What is one area of your life you need a perception change... 

  • Your body & health?

  • Your work or career?

  • Your finances & wealth?

  • Your relationships?

  • Your impact & role in this world?


Working with me will help you:

• clear the noise and amplify the vibrations of desire, idealism & joy

• listen to the internal nudges from your heart & expand it

• implement a 3 step action plan to move your desires into reality


We are all telling the story of our lives - we tell our stories to relate to one another, to say here I am, this is me. My job is reminding you that your story shapes your reality and YOU are actively creating it!

I'm focusing on my family and shop (check it out here!) but still doing some brand creation and storyteller teaching. I don't have offers to share right now but send me a note if you feel we're meant to work together.


As a coach
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